We think about form, proper grammatical form, language that can delimit expression rather than move with it. Writing aims to parse experience whereas neurodiverse experssion immerses within it, making writing a movement process. Adam describes movement with language as it is happens in the moment of writing. Collective writing also moves with affective forces, other voices, readings. We are always immersed despite an assumption that writing happens alone; that we are independent authors. This immersion is more pronounced in Adam’s writing, as his words resonate feelings and relations, rather than explicate them.

Using a typewriter in this work, I let myself make mistakes, thinking about thinking itself, and I find myself stumbling; I am anxious about being “correct.” I think too much about the movement to hit the right key, and I hesitate. When I type too fast, I hit the wrong keys. Thinking about movement simultaneously with the thoughts I think I want to express is difficult to think about separately, but that is how Adam describes the difficulty of movement. My thought-goal is entwined with the present moment of movement-moving toward the future sentence. My thoughts shift as I write; the goal of expression is lost in the process of movement-typing to become something more; the writing is affected by the moments and feelings I am within. I then look at the writing itself, in its material form; typing without correction. This is the writing-event expressed as it was expressing. I am thinking about this along with Adam’s writing about how hard it can be to type as he discusses how he has to think deliberately about his movements to the keyboard, and with relational affective collaboration, or support, he brings expression to form.